
Finally we are no one

Contemporaneos y compatriotas de Sigur Rós, múm experimenta con sonidos salidos de instrumentos poco convencionales creando un sonido armonico que combina la electronica con suaves voces.

  1. "Sleep/Swim"
  2. "Green Grass of Tunnel"
  3. "We Have a Map of the Piano"
  4. "Don't Be Afraid, You Have Just Got Your Eyes Closed"
  5. "Behind Two Hills,,,,A Swimmingpool"
  6. "K/Half Noise"
  7. "Now There's That Fear Again"
  8. "Faraway Swimmingpool"
  9. "I Can't Feel My Hand Any More, It's Alright, Sleep Still"
  10. "Finally We Are No One"
  11. "The Land Between Solar Systems"

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