
Rated R

Queens of the stone age sacan en 2000 este disco con el que se popularizan en todo el mundo con su single "The lost art of keeping a secret" ademas de la controversial y primera cancion del album "Feel good hit of the summer", considerado disco del año por muchos, aqui los dejo con un disco infaltable del llamado genero stoner rock.

  1. "Feel Good Hit of the Summer"
  2. "The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret"
  3. "Leg of Lamb"
  4. "Auto Pilot"
  5. "Better Living Through Chemistry"
  6. "Monsters in the Parasol"
  7. "Quick and to the Pointless"
  8. "In the Fade"
  9. "Tension Head"
  10. "Lightning Song"
  11. "I Think I Lost My Headache"

Rated RSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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